I decided that my film magazine was going to be called "Reel Talk", reel as in film reel and talk because the magazine was going to be discussing movies. The name Reel Talk suggests that it is unisex and that anyone can read it. I then decided to use a gradient of white and grey for the background and then reds for the writing so that it would automatically attract the reader. Although these colours predominantly suggest male themes the use of reds and darker colours connote the Thriller genre. This was my initial first draft for my film magazine front cover:
After this draft I decided that there needed to be a lot more to fill the gaps on the poster, although the main picture of the two characters hadn't been added at the time I still thought there would be too much free space on the magazine. So I then decided to add little things like institutional information along with pugs/puffs and a reel that displayed other films being shown inside the magazine.
This was my final product that I put together after feedback from my fellow classmates. The feedback I got from people was to change the size of the bar code, change the 25th Anniversary and detach it from the three images as they thought this could confuse people as they might think it was linked to the images which was not my intention. Therefore I detached it from the film strip and changed it to "Under Control special!" which made more sense. I also changed the colour of this piece as I thought the red was too bright compared to the other red colours on the magazine. With this change I changed the 25 in the corner so it had a hash tag in front of it to create the sense it was the 25th issue and also relevant to this I changed the date under the masthead to October 2016 instead of May as this made much more sense considering our film would be releasing in this month. A few other things I changed was filling up gaps on the front cover with writing about exclusive interviews and a first look puff. Finally I added the images of my two characters, I had Owen towering over Katie to present his dominance and Katie looking towards the floor to connote her innocence.
To create this product I used Adobe Photoshop which I had used last year but I found it much easier this year as I had the previous experience of using it before.
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